Autobiography (through age 9): Year 9
And so we come to the end of our journey. I hope you enjoyed the stroll down memory lane as much as I did. Looking back over the first nine years of my life, I have to say that year four was probably the most memorable. As for the 25 years since I was a nine-year old, keep reading. Take care.Chris was in Miss Van Prooyen's class in fourth grade. He joined the jogging club. He started collecting comic books and patches. He had a penpal who lives in Canada. He started taking piano lessons.
The jogging club...?! Is that why you hate jogging so much now?
In my youth, I was also an avid reader of comic books. Oh, who am I trying to impress? I still read them, and I'm proud of it (wipes away tears--smile exhibits pathetic yet somehow endearing quality)! Alan Moore is a genius (maybe you'll run into him while you're in England); his work stands up to any other writer's, with or without accompanying illustrations!
Did you collect any particular titles?
Any particular titles? When I was nine? Hmmm ... mostly Marvel: Spider-Man, Ghostrider, Werewolf by Night, the Avengers, etc etc etc. How about you?
I was lucky enough to have a dad who would drive me into Chattanooga once or twice a week to a comic store run by an elderly gentlemen named Mr. White.
This was circa 1983. There was an independent movement going on in comics at the time, and I immediately found several titles fascinating. I particularly loved Jim Starlin's 'Dreadstar' (in fact, one of my children's middle names came from there).
I also strongly enjoyed First Comics' output (sadly, they are no more). 'Jon Sable: Freelance' by Mike Grell and 'American Flagg!' by Howard Chaykin (probably shouldn't have been reading that one at age eight--every female character sauntered around in lingerie!) were amazing to me...
A few years later (1986) I had my life changed forever by Frank Miller's 'The Dark Knight Returns' and Alan Moore's 'Watchmen.' That was when I started to pay more attention to writing craft. If I ever meet those gentlemen, I'm going to shake their hands!
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